Simple Business Is Best For Financial Freedom

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One misconception about business is that people need loans to start a business. In reality, most businesses takes less than 500 dollars to start.

I always wince when I see people taking huge loans, or borrow large sums of money from their friends and relatives to start their business.

There nothing wrong with taking a loan for a business. Thomas Smales used credit card debt to start his business.

He used his free time while he was in college, and turned his 500 dollars into a billion dollars.

Huge loans are usually for businesses that requires a lot of development and regulation adjustment, and approval from the legal system.

But seeing people take a $15,000 to start a cleaning service, is just insane.

Businesses has a 85 percent chance of failure. Even if you do something that is known to work, like a cleaning service, it still has a decent chance of failing.

This is why I always recommend people to start a business that can be done with less than $500. That way if it fails, you just lose a small amount of money, and gain large amount of experience.

If you do start a cleaning service be sure to use Squarespace, to start a online presence. Everything is going digital, mind as well join the crowd, you can pay a annual fee for a cheap price to start a website that you can easily build.


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