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  • A Guy With A Full-Time job And Family Created A Million Dollar Company

A Guy With A Full-Time job And Family Created A Million Dollar Company

AI Developer With No Code

David Bressler is a Experienced Data Analyst and created the company Formula Bot by himself, in the comfort of his own home that is valued at 1 million dollars. He took advantage of the free time he had and dedicated it to building an AI software for Excel. Here’s the thing, he built the software with no code using Bubble.IO, and it only took a couple of weeks, which sounds like a miracle.

His company Formula bot offers 5 services, that analyze, visualize, data prep, enrich excel sheets. He also has a community within the company that connect users with each other to review each other data, which serves as an educational platform. The site now has 800k+ users and is making 26k a month on revenue as of 4 months ago.

What motivated him?

His peers would come to him during his off hours to ask him question about features in Excel, and to make things efficient, he created Formula Bot. This is the exercise of the rich mindset. His personal time was being used to ask repetitive question. In order to protect his own time he developed an Excel AI to answer his questions for him, and protect his time. The Financial benefit is just a by-product of his solution.

What he learned?

He values the sentiment of interacting with customers and getting their feedback. His method of approach is that they both will solve a problem together, and he would pick the customer’s brain to know what problems they have with the Formula Bot.

Key Takeaway

Take Your Shot he didn’t know how to code, but he searched and found the solution to code without coding.

Scale On Skill his specialty was in data analytics, and he used what he learn to build what was suppose to be a small project into a million dollar business.

Buy Time his spare time was being utilized to help his peers answer Excel questions, and to handle that he built a AI to solve this itch and bought back his time.


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